Thursday, April 4, 2013

We're Still Here

I can't believe its almost been a month since I last blogged. I try to blog but with 6 wonderful kids my time is very limited. What has happened in the last month? So Much.
We're still a family of 8 and we're enjoying every minute of it. We are still trying to get every one's nap schedule in sync.

My sweet little miss who is now 5 months old has found her hands this past week. She is finally reaching her hands out for toys and trying to hold her own bottle. She is going to be starting PT in the next couple of weeks to help her with her motor skills. Last week she tried to roll over for the first time. She started on baby food and moved from 6 oz bottles to 8 oz bottles. Her little feet are already hanging over the edge of the car-seat already.

My little climber is now 15 months old. He has figured out that he can now climb. We're going to have our hands full. Last week I was change a diaper and turn around to walk back through the dinning room to find him standing on top of the table. We have been teething all month long and they still have not broke through yet. He only has 5 teeth. He started speech therapy this last week.

My little man will be 2 years old in a month :) Birthday party time. He has been wanting to go potty so I'll try to do a separate post on our potty training. He is getting so tall and has out grown almost all of his clothes in the last couple of weeks. He is such a happy and smiling boy. He was test last week and scored above his age in almost every category :) So proud of him...He's such a smart little nut. He is totally in love with the dogs.

My little princess. We'll she will be turning 3 years old in a month :) A double birthday party. My little girl is going to be starting head start in the next couple of weeks. She will also be going to the elementary school for speech and social interaction to. She'll be gone from 8-3. Its going to be weird having her gone. She has had some regression in some area since she has came to our house but its a good thing because she is getting more comfortable.

My Big princess. He started soccer a couple weeks ago and has her first game last weekend. We all got burnt. Although she struggles with school she is making some improvements and making new friends. I'm not gonna lie we have our struggles with behaviors but it all stems from things that have happened to her from her past. It will take time but it will eventually disappear.

My Oldest. What can I say. We could not of asked for a better behaved 12 year old.  She does not let things that have happened to her in the past affect her future and that is usually the biggest struggle with foster kids. She does very well in school and tries her hardest at everything. She is also very helpful around the house and can get anyone to laugh.

Last week the kids were on spring break so we headed back home to South Dakota for a week. The 13 hour drive there went way better then I thought. It took about 45 minutes every time we stopped but we made it safe in sound. The kids had a blast well we were there but they missed their daddy. The drive home didn't go as smooth. I'm pretty sure everyone was tired of being in the car.

We celebrated Easter together as a family. We colored Easter eggs, went to church and our family came with us, we went out for Easter lunch and had an Easter egg hunt. It was one of the best Easters.

We're still praying that God will guide us to the right house if he has a bigger house for us in the future. We love having this many kids but they need space to run and play. My grandma's house just doesn't have the space.

Sorry I can't update more often but I'm gonna try my hardest because I defiantly miss it.

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