Sunday, April 24, 2011

National Infertility Awareness Week

Infertility is a heart-wrenching, faith-questioning, relationship-testing, life-altering experience. April 24th begins National Infertility Awareness Week. For those of you who are currently walking this journey with us or have walked this journey in the past understand the heart aches that never get healed. We are sending out extra prayers this week for all of you. If it wasn't for this journey my relationship with God would not be as strong as it is today!

Me and my hubby have been through 2 years of failed infertility treatment and have prayed to God over the last 2 years that he knows when the timing is right and whether or not it is his plan for us. Over the last 2 years God has led us to foster care and the foster to adopt program. Three weeks ago God blessed us with a little baby boy. Baby JL was coming to us as an adoptive placement. However God had other plans for this baby boy. God’s plans for him were not to be with us at all or this point. The future of Baby JL in our lives is up to God at this point. After 3 days God took baby JL and sent him home with this family. God has bigger plans for us that we can't always see. When baby JL left our family we prayed to God for answers as to why he took baby JL away. After weeks of prayers God has shown us that he had a much bigger plan beyond us with baby JL. Baby JL was the answer to other prayer and has changed our life beyond words. He will always have a place in our hearts and we will never forget him. We are beyond lucky that we can continue to see baby JL. This journey in our life is very emotional and heart reaching and without the faith in God this journey would be impossible. As we continue our journey through foster care, adoption and infertility treatments we only become stronger in our faith. Our hearts go out to all of you going through this journey with God. I consider myself to be lucky that God has chosen be to walk this journey with him and to walk a journey less traveled by other.

I'll post another post later with more information on the prayers that we answered by having Baby JL in our lives.

Help spread the word over the next week...Feel free to leave your story

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