Thursday, February 28, 2013

Our Lives are ever chaning

In the foster care world our lives can change so fast and we can loss family members and add them back in the same day. On Saturday February 20th we had to say goodbye to 2 wonderful girls who stayed with us for 3 short days. We'll we loved having them they got to go live with family which can be the best place for them. We enjoyed every minute we had with them.
That same night we got a call at 830 p.m. asking if we could take a placement. There were 5 kids total and they really wanted Ms. A who is 9 and baby E who is 3 months old to stay together and they preferred to keep Little Mr. C who is 1 with them. I told them we could take the 9 year old and the baby for sure and we could take Mr. C if they would let us.  We knew they would have to get approval because we would have to have 3 in  one room and you are not allowed to have more than 2 under . We weren't sure if they would approve it for more than just a night or even at all. I had a feeling they were coming but it had been 2 hours and I had not heard anything. So I assumed they were not coming and didn't get anything ready. I guess I should have spent those 2 hours getting things ready because at 1030 pm they were at the door.
God has proved to us over and over again that he is braking the rules for us. It just shows  me how in control God is with everything in our lives. So by Gods graces we are a family of 8. We know that God will help us give these little ones everything they need.
I so wish I could share pictures because everyone of them have stole my heart.
We thought the last 3 would be staying a short time however Gods plan is different. All of our 3 separate families will be staying for at least 6 months :) We love everyday they get to be here.
One thing I have ran into is people telling me that they think I have my hands to full. I want to turn around and say some not so nice thing but that's not what God would want me to do. I wish people could just see how blessed we are to be able to care from these children in their time of need. I only hope that I can show them Gods grace and glory through what I do and say.
I want to write more but my babies and wanting their mamma. Only if you knew how much I love write the words "my babies". This is one proud mamma.
So I leave you with my wonderful family of 8 (12, 9, 2, 1, 1, 4 months)

1 comment:

  1. People take one look at my twins boys and say, " my, you have your hands full" to which I reply- my hands are full, but my heart is fuller. Then I smile kindly and walk away.
