Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I have been praying to God that if we are not to move and we are to stay here then I need a clear sign because I'm not quite getting the hints and if it is meant to be that we move while we know that everything will work out. While today I was thinking. A week ago tomorrow we put our home up for sale. We have had one person look at the home. The Realtor told us when we signed papers that she could not find a sign for our yard and as soon as they found one she would bring it over. However still no sign. I'm wondering if this is the sign I had asked for.

I feel so stuck. Its not against any one's blogs whom I read however I feel like a lone ranger. I read several blogs and we are all in different stages however there is few who are still waiting. I am so happy for all who have their little ones in their arms or working on adoptions or both. However I need to not feel so alone anymore and need that motivation from others in the same stages. If anyone reading my blog has some suggestions I would much appreciate it. Thanks to everyone for the support you provide.

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